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Faith formation update

Writer: Ascension Saratoga PastorAscension Saratoga Pastor

The principal goal of the Faith Formation in our Parish is to provide opportunities for our children (K-12th grades) to embrace the Gospel, grow in faith, and become missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.

This will be done in partnership with parents and the Ascension community. Let us be reminded that children are a blessing from God and that we all have a stake in their well-being and spiritual development.

We are pleased to announce that this important ministry will be led by one of our parishioners, Loy Oppus-Moe. Many of you are familiar with Loy as she has been part of our parish catechetical ministry since 1998, volunteering in various roles: 4th grade Catechist, Parent Support Group Leader, Group Facilitator, Substitute Teacher, etc. In addition, she has served in liturgical and music ministries at Ascension and other parishes.

Due to the uncertainties of the pandemic and the evolving directives from our county health officials, we have to be ready to adapt to the changing situation. In the meantime, please support Loy as she explores various options, talks to volunteer catechists, parents and students, with the goal of proposing a Faith Formation program that brings our community back together, while complying with health regulations to ensure everyone's safety.

We are very fortunate that Ann Liebmann (long-time Director Religious Education who retired in early June) will be around to support Loy. We thank Ann for the many years of faithful service she provided to the Ascension community, and we work together with Loy in her Faith Formation leadership role.


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