Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is an outgrowth of a broad program that was developed in response to directions issued by the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) that both the clergy and laity should cooperate in parish life and church mission.
The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to assist in the further development of a Christian community by assessing the needs of the parish then finding ways to respond to those needs. The council is also to help foster and advance the church mission of evangelization, entrusted by the Lord.
In the charitable, social spheres, it is up to the Pastoral Council to promote the coordination of various lay association within the parish, while protecting and preserving the proper individuality of each organization.
The Pastoral Council consists of the pastor and parochial vicar (ex officio), and 7 lay members. As vacancies occur, the lay members are replaced by selection by the council and the pastor, and serve a 3-year term. Anyone interested in serving should contact the pastor or the chair of the Pastoral Council.
7:00 pm every 4th Wednesday of the month.
Peggy Schoppe (chair), Tom Roza (secretary), Bob Bowe, Melissa Chan, Dong-Young Chang, Jeff Moe,
Harry Stice, John Sze, Keswick Tsang.
Fr. Hao Dinh (ex officio).